There are several mistakes that I have personally made that I want to go over with you but we’ll start with five. Entrepreneurs have the keen ability to multitask but multitasking is not a proven method to really getting things done. Multitasking leads to busyness. Being busy will wear you down and stress you out, however, being productive will drive your business and lead you to success. Here are five mistake to avoid so you can get productive and not so busy!
Mistake #1- Aiming to do everything and getting to everyone.
Entrepreneurs often make the mistake of trying to wear all the hats. We sometimes lack trust in others to effectively achieve the idea we have in our minds. But, that can be a misstep. We aren’t the best at every single piece of our business. And, if you are, you have to be exhausted trying to accomplish every thing on your own. Use resources, outsource and narrow down your ideal client so you know who you are servicing and why.
“You cannot do everything for everyone and you cannot be everywhere, every time.”
Mistake #2- Lacking a business and marketing plan.
Planning is the most prized possession of your business. Your plans dictate the direction, abilities and goals of your business and that will translate how you conduct your business. Lay the foundation right from the beginning and live up to your own expectations. Plan, fail at it and plan again.
“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.” – William A. Foster
Mistake #3- Expecting Overnight Success
Things take time. Special things take more time. And, successful things take the most time. From the desk of Tom Clancy “An overnight success is ten years in the making.” So, why do we believe in overnight successes? They do happen but rarely. And, we can see visually, the representation of success in others but you cannot see hard work, dedication and persistence.
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” – Mark Twain
Mistake #4- Not accepting constructive criticism.
The more we put out, the more we stand to get criticized. I’m a writer so I surely get that hearing criticism is scary and intimidating. But, how can you grow if you aren’t listening to the feedback of your audience and if you aren’t willing to pivot when you hear some necessary changes? You’ve got to be flexible and you’ve got to bounce back even if what you hear feels awful. Read on below why perception matters and so pivoting when hearing criticism is vital.
“Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw
Mistake #5- Failing to create and practice a seamless process or workflow.
“Time is one of your most precious commodities as a business owner. And because you set your own schedule, you’re able to dictate how your time is spent. If you haven’t created systems and processes for getting tasks done, you aren’t helping yourself make the best use of your time. In order to work efficiently, create a workflow by listing out the steps of your client process, shipping process, blogging process, or whatever your appropriate processes might be. Set office hours and hold to them. Use time blocks within your schedule for getting tasks done. This planning process is different but crucial for each entrepreneur; make it a priority to come up with a workflow that works best for you.”
-Elle and Company Design
These are all common mistakes that creative entrepreneurs make. I’ve made them and I know of several other business owners who have made them too. Think about the things that resonate with you most and make changes towards that specifically. You can make mistakes and still find success. You can trust and rely on you instincts and your services and products. It’s all valuable and worth working on! You’ve got this!
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