3 Ways Entrepreneurs Build a Routine for Health



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Get Ready Mentally

Whenever there’s a shift to be made in our normal routines, we have to mentally prepare for it. When is the last time you talked to yourself? When was the last time you sat down for a quiet moment just to sit with you? I can bet it has been a while. Instead of rushing through our mornings, rushing though a day of work, rising to get home and then rushing to get dinner ready, let’s work on slowing our own world down by taking just 20-30 minutes to ourselves before the rush of the day sets in.

Try this: Wake up, say thank you to God, go through your getting ready routine of getting dressed, putting on makeup, combing your hair, wtc. And then go and sit down in stillness. In my stillness I talk to God. I read a devotion and also pray that something be revealed to me in a fresh and renewing way. Ask God to pour down his anointing on you as you read. Ask God to calm you as the rush of the day approaches. Sit with Him. Sit with yourself.

After your morning routine, there are a couple things I think would be beneficial for you that have been extremely helpful for me.

  1. Drink a protein shake BEFORE the coffee OR have your superfoods BEFORE your morning coffee.
  2. Take vitamins that fuel your energy levels and immune system.
  3. Wind down the day with a calming vitamin, a workout or even a walk.

I have so many ways to blame my poor energy levels, blaming my overwhelming schedule or even my mood. I sometimes revert to my old way of thinking when I claim to be stressed out and have fallen away from the three things I’ve mentioned above. It’s in those times that I have to go back to God with extra prayer.

Do you know that He cares even in the moments we feel we should have it all together? He cares and is waiting for us to give even the smallest things over to Him.

It’s hard for me sometimes to remember that when bills are due and when things that have a deadline are quickly approaching.

But, it’s in those exact moments that God is waiting to show up for us and with us.

I often times feel stressed and then fall off of the routine that keeps me balanced. This season, I’m combating that with sticking to the routine even when I don’t feel like it. Even when I don’t see immediate results, and even when it’s just stressful to be still.

When the kids go back to school, I’ll have my hours scheduled around what their day is like and then I’ll have no excuse to fall off. This summer, I took a much needed break from waking up early, getting dressed and powering through my day. I enjoyed doing that. But, as school approaches, I’ve equipped myself to get back on the wagon of setting and sticking to a health and wellness routine.

Taking vitamins like an Apple Cider Vinegar gummy has truly given me better digestion. I didn’t know I was missing better digestion until I saw the difference. I have bloating and get very tired every time I eat. When taking Goli, I just don’t. I don’t have the bloating and my food doesn’t weigh me down.

The vitamins that I take from Body Complete are listed below and I can tell you, I have gone through an entire day and not realized I hadn’t even eaten. My energy was high, even in the afternoon. I now have such cravings to eat more and eat better. I know my metabolism has increased because I am so hungry and don’t realize when I haven’t eaten. Hope that made sense. In any case, I have had to stock up on fruits and veggies and have created a small toolkit of things I like to eat and snack on. I really don’t even want a big burger or a huge fried chicken sandwich.

It’s quite an adjustment to change habits and to change into someone you’ve never been. I have never been an early riser and honestly I still don’t like to get up early, but there is a difference when I do.

There are mornings when I don’t want to do anything or get up at all but because the kids have school (and didn’t miss a day last year and they were only late twice by like 5 minutes) I stick to the waking up early.

Hopefully, this will serve as a bit of inspiration to you to change a daily habit for the better and understand that it won’t be perfect but it will get done and done is better than not trying at all.

You’ve got this! Here’s a list of all the things I use and enjoy to power me through a long and busy day!

  • Embraced by Lysa Terkeurst
  • Body Complete: Nourish Protein Powder, Thrive Women’s Multivitamin, Balance Probiotic, and the Protect Immunity. 1 of each daily
  • Goli: ACV Gummies 2 in the morning and 2 at night
  • Revive: Superfood Smoothies- I love the PinaColada and strawberry banana ones

I’d love to hear if you grab any of these habits and adapt them as your own! The links have a discount embedded in them for you and I may receive a commission if you buy, but at no extra cost to you. I also wouldn’t share anything that I don’t trust so know that I use each and every product, daily!

Until the next one,

xo, Niché

Visit me over at nichecaldwell.com for Online Business Management and Book Coaching!

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